We recently had Space Fortnight in Moynalvey NS. Students in all classes, but particularly our younger classes looked at all things space-related.
Infants focused their theme of play around Space. This included pretending to be astronauts and creating beautiful Solar System themed art. 1st and 2nd Classes pairs up to create projects on the Solar System, with each group picking a particular planet. Our 3rd Class also did wonderful projects, many of which were 3D models of the Solar Systems
Finally we had a special treat. Dara O’Donovan, a local parent, came into the school to talk about space. During a recent trip to NASA in America, Dara witnessed the solar eclipse that occurred last month. A hands on talk, Dara brought his pinhole cameras, footage of the eclipse as well a model of how the Moon manages to block the light from the massive sun. 4th, 5th and 6th Class were particularly interest in the talk and there may be some budding astronomers and astronauts from Moynalvey yet! Special thanks to Dara for an amazing experience for our students.